Center for Brain Health
Concerned about your Brain Health?
Or do you just want to increase the power of your brain?
“To realize your greatest potential requires your brain to operate at its highest capacity. Neuroscience has proven your brain is capable of performing at a much higher level, even in its 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.”
All-natural approach to preventing loss of cognitive abilities
and to increase brainpower.
How we can help:
Get rid of brain fog, fatigue, lack of focus.
Develop energy that lasts throughout the day.
Create a more powerful brain with natural therapies.
Do you fear your brain or love your brain?
Or are you indifferent?
The price of indifference:
“Brain health is one of the most significant health issues faced by medicine today. Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, brain trauma, loss of memory at any age are all reaching epidemic proportions.” David Pearlmutter, MD
Statistics estimate that 51% of the US population will have some type of brain disorder in their life: depression, anxiety, bipolar, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.
Brain related problems affect up to 200 million Americans at some point in their lives. Memory loss, brain fog and lack of brain endurance can occur at any age. ADHD prescriptions have increased by 45% and have been FDA approved for children as young as five years of age.
COVID has only made it worse!
Depression among adults in the United States tripled in the early 2020 months of the global coronavirus pandemic—jumping from 8.5 percent before the pandemic to a staggering 27.8 percent. New research from Boston University School of Public Health reveals that the elevated rate of depression has persisted into 2021, and even worsened, climbing to 32.8 percent and affecting 1 in every 3 American adults.
Preserve Restore Brain Health, Increase Brain Power
“Brain health is one of the most significant health issues faced by medicine today. Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, brain trauma, loss of memory at any age are
all reaching epidemic proportions.”
Take action today.