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Hormone Replacement Therapy with Bioidentical Hormones

Women's  Health

Hormone Replacement Therapy with Bioidentical Hormones


​Do you sometimes struggle with poor sleep quality? Low energy? How about depression and/or anxiety? Do you seem to be gaining fat regardless of a strict diet and even hours of exercise? Do you wonder why your sex drive is declining or even non-existent?  


All of these can be related to hormonal dysfunction.

Even teenagers can have hormonal dysfunction. Symptoms can include difficult periods, heavy bleeding, infertility, weight gain, depression, and more.


Hormonal dysfunction/decline can affect both perimenopausal and
post-menopausal women.


It includes males of many ages and is sometimes referred to as andropause.

Women. Have you reached the Post-Menopausal stage? 


Do you experience hot flashes? Unexplained weight gain? Night sweats and frequent awakening during the night. Perhaps frequent urination. Do you suffer from an auto-immune disease? Aches and pains?

A weakened immune system.


NOTE: Some women are lucky enough not to experience many of these symptoms. But are they lucky? They may ignore the fact that their hormones have also declined and health conditions associated with declining hormones including diabetes, excess body fat, heart disease, dementia, and more.

Aging: As we age, women and men experience a decline in hormones and/or dysfunction of hormones. These include insulin (think diabetes, excess fat), and cortisol (our stress hormone).


Other hormones that decline as part of aging include thyroid (which like progesterone can be problematic at young ages), estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. DHEA (often called the longevity hormone) also declines.

Low or dysfunctional hormone levels in women can cause trouble sleeping, weight gain, decreased desire, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, fatigue, foggy memory, low energy, unhealthy skin, and loss or thinning of hair. Most of these can also occur in men.

Note: Women spend one-third to half of their life in post menopause.

​​Peri-Menopause and Teenagers. For some ladies, symptoms can often be very severe to include painful cramping and migraines, devastating PMS, and an inability to control weight regardless of efforts. They may suffer from PCOS. Symptoms may include depression, anxiety, and loss of joy of life.

Did you know? Testosterone in women can decline asmuch as 50% between the ages of 20 and 40 and generally 100% in post-menopausal women.  The benefits of female testosterone therapy are the same as in men. Women just need a much smaller dose of the therapy.


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